Handy Address Book
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Handy Address Book Client

In addition to working with your web address books using a web browser, you can also work with them using the Handy Address Book client.  This is a separate program that runs under Windows.

Using the Handy client offers a few advantages over the web browser interface:

Because your address book is stored in local memory, many operations are faster as you don't have to access the server over a LAN or the internet
The "Live Update" feature keeps your address book automatically updated without having to "Refresh" a browser
More printing options (Envelopes, Labels, List, or Details)
Advanced importing and exporting capabilities
Can be used as a phone dialer

To set up the Handy client to work with the demo, first download and install the program on your computer.  Start the program, and select "File / Options... / Sharing" from the menu, and enter the values shown here:

Handy Address Book Client

Click "OK", and then open the "Main_Demo" shared address book by selecting the "File / Open..." menu command.

For more information, see the Handy Address Book client.

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